Feeling fabulous, smelling gorgeous - Hermès

It is full of love in this holiday season!! Wait no more and treat yourself the best. I believe many of you have got your own wishlist or gift list for Christmas shopping. I may take this chance to introduce you, one of the nicest way to show your beauty from inside out.

I highly believe that there is no one could reject the orange attraction. Hermès has taken extra care of your smell in this holiday season. Jour d' Hermès absolu - The birth of absolute femininity. There is a special offer for this special Christmas, which is a purchase of a 85 ml Jour d'Hermes perfume, it comes with a 7.5ml miniature our d'Hermes perfume, 30 ml Shower Gel and 30ml perfumed body milk.

How do you smell, how do you light up your life. A woman can never live without perfume. Jour d' Hermès absolu does not identify any one flower but a lots of flowers, hundred of flowers. The hundred blooming flowers becomes the abstract concept. At the same time, it make you feeling gorgeous by the smell of tons of flowers.Another day another new taste, how do you perform your taste of life?! it can hardly tell what exactly is the smell of Jour d'Hermès . However, it is absolutely feminine such as the womanhood sublimated within it.

On the other hand, the bottle design is definitely one of the attraction. Here the perfume colour declares its clear tendency for absolute femininity by adopting a warmer “amber rose” nuance. This new tint reaches up the neck of the bottle to the “pink gold” seal that creates a ring around the clear white lid. Lastly, the Ex Libris is imprinted onto the lid in this same pink gold, which perfectly matches the colour of the perfume.

Last but not least, Thank you again +Hermès  for sending me this gorgeous present. It make me feeling fabulous and smelling gorgeous!! This blooming orange box is definitely an good option as a gift for your beloved family and friends and of course yourself!



她並非只有一個獨立的花香而是成千上萬的花結合成的氛香。把那神奇盒子打開便已經讓您有種被花田包圍的感覺 這種溫柔高尚的花香輕易揭露女性那種光彩,這種極緻感性且充滿肉慾的純香,把你和拉得更近。愛她的你,立即把這種特殊的氣味送上,準備迎接特別的聖誕吧。

於聖誕購買這瓶讓女性氣質昇華的愛馬仕之光(85ml)還會附上迷你板Jour d'Hermès (7.5ml),香水洗澡凝膠(30ml)及身體乳液(30ml)。Wait no more and make her feeling and smelling gorgeous!!

Fashion Stylist & Style Blogger
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