Picky Shopping 1 - Crystal Garden by Swarovski

How was your Spring Festival? I guess the extra bonus of this wondering festival will be those red envelopes. How would you manage your red pocket money? Let me show you the latest SS15 collection of different brands in the coming blog series. First of all, we have the ''Bling Bling'' representative - Swarovski. Designer revisits the Swarovski's DNA in the Spring Summer collection. it reinterprets the style codes and renews its inspiration to deliver the up to date design with the brand's signature glamour and sparkle. For this SS15 collection, it is nature and more specifically a garden that provides the inspiration.The Crystal Garden collection reaffirms the brand’s passion for modernity

In this SS15 collection, we can also find the new edgy of Swarovski. Designer has arrange the Rose gold in a huge range in matching those crystal with simplicity design element. On the other hand, Swarovski has prepared the colorful leaves and petals for your sweet one. The shining sun, golden metallic tones designs has made you the wonderland with sparkle.

恭喜發財!新年進步!!相信幸福的您都𢭃得利是一大蘿。您會如何分配這些lucky money?讓我為你們介紹一系列品牌最新的春夏系列吧。首先出場的是bling bling 界的代表-Swarovski 施華洛世奇的春夏晶璨花園系列。是次系列創作靈感來自大自然,以動植物及昆蟲為題,塑造出輕巧閃爍與當代魅力於一身的首飾。亦以不同的切割技巧特出不同水晶的特質,令作品閃耀得像燦爛的陽光。

於15 春夏系列,施華洛世奇帶給我們非傅統的設計,簡單線條的款式更年輕時尚,更富現代。追求型格的您定都可以找到心頭好。型格外,當然少不了色彩斑斕系列,豐富多彩的項鍊和手鐲輕易讓可愛系的您們日夜綻放閃亮風釆。設計師亦運用玫瑰金色大幅取締黃金色,令手鐲項鍊跟水晶配合得更完美,更時尚優雅。這個繽紛閃亮的春夏系列將奢華瑰麗的設計與大自然原素結合為來季注入閃爍魅力。

Fashion Stylist & Style Blogger 
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