Early Ellery Hurry

It been such a long long time I haven't been updating on HERE. It been extremely productive months for me. And I believe when you are paying attention to another focus point. You are shining in any side of you expertise. Just never say never......

Now, its the time for me go back to the track that I have been doing it since i was born !! XD
I would like to share you my Spring Summer 16 in winter 15. It might sound strange, but it is how it is. It is my way to dress light and keep warm in the winter time. How would you maintain your very own character in different styles? I love sharing styling tips however, do not copy and paste. modified the theory and make it your own. Dress like yourself but no anyone else. Hopefully You will describe me as one of your inspiration.

已經這麼長的一段時間我都沒有在這裡更新。這段日子對我來說真的是productive, 在不同的剛位發揮專長!這次經歷令我回想從前為電影做造型的日子。我相信當你將焦點放在你的專長上,不論是哪個方向,你總會是閃耀的。

今天想要跟大家分享一下我的一個小小穿搭技巧,將16年春夏系列提前於15年秋冬上演!!內衣外穿加一件漂逸上依外搭大衣,溫暖之余亦不會過份雍腫不過你如何將同一個Theory運用在你身上而創造不一樣的效果?那你要動動腦筋唷!我愛分享不過請不要只Copy & Paste,要將理論加入你的個人風格上去營造獨有的你。Dress and Look like yourself !!

TOP: Ellery SS16 collection +ellery land 
INTIMATE:Vimmia Revolve Clothing +REVOLVE 
PANTS: Theory 
SUNGLASSES: Dlenastie Line Sheet SS16 collection 
EARRING: Swarovski  +Swarovski 

Photography : Daniel Druziki
Instagram: Elmaliconvé
me@thestylicious.comFashion Stylist & Style Blogger Facebook :>>>Elma Li Convé


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